Make The Invisible Visible

InPlay's NanoBeacon SoC In100 is a revolutionary piece of technology that is set to change the way we approach the Internet of Things (IoT). The term "invisible" can refer to many things, but in this case, it pertains to the vast amount of data and information that IoT devices collect on a daily basis. The NanoBeacon SoC In100 makes this data "visible" by providing real-time data processing that was previously unattainable.

One of the biggest challenges with IoT is the ability to effectively collect, process and make sense of the massive amounts of data that devices generate. The NanoBeacon SoC In100 addresses this issue by providing unparalleled real-time data processing, which allows for the efficient collection and interpretation of data. This technology is a game-changer for businesses and industries that rely on IoT to collect and analyze data, such as manufacturing, logistics, and transportation.

In addition to its real-time data processing capabilities, the NanoBeacon SoC In100 also provides a high level of security, which is crucial in today's digital landscape. With its secure communication protocol, businesses can rest easy knowing that their data is protected from cyber threats.

The NanoBeacon SoC In100 is also designed to be energy-efficient, which is an important aspect of IoT. With the ability to operate for extended periods on a single battery, it can significantly reduce maintenance costs and improve efficiency.

The "invisible" data collected by IoT devices is now made "visible" by the real-time data processing of InPlay's NanoBeacon SoC In100. This technology opens up a world of possibilities for businesses and industries that rely on IoT to collect and analyze data. The future of IoT is here, and it's all thanks to InPlay's NanoBeacon SoC In100.

In summary, the InPlay's NanoBeacon SoC In100 is a powerful technology that is designed to revolutionize the way we approach IoT by making previously invisible data visible. With its real-time data processing capabilities, high level of security, and energy-efficient design, it can help businesses and industries make sense of the vast amounts of data generated by IoT devices, thus increasing efficiency and making the invisible visible.


Introducing the NanoBeacon™ BLE Scanner Mobile App


Real-time tracking made easy with active RFID tags and BLE technology